Entrepreneurship Garage COVID-19 Update – March 17th

In accordance with the University’s response to COVID-19, NC State’s Entrepreneurship Garage will be closing, effective immediately.
The health, safety and well-being of our campus community is our top priority. These are preventative measures that NC State’s Entrepreneurship Garage is taking to prevent additional spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and to minimize health and safety risks to our students, faculty, staff, and community.
We are closing the Entrepreneurship Garage offices and restricting access to all spaces located at 1017 Main Campus Dr, Suite 1650. This includes:
• Coworking spaces, meeting rooms and prototyping space.
• All new member orientations and training sessions are canceled.
• Rental equipment is not available at this time.
Garage staff is available to answer questions and provide support via online channels. If you need any assistance or have any concerns, please contact us at ncstate-ent-garage@ncsu.edu.