Day of Giving Launches March 27

NC State University will hold its first-ever Day of Giving on March 27. The 24-hour fundraising event invites supporters around the world to work together to invest in students, faculty, programs and facilities.
“Our Think and Do the Extraordinary Campaign has been successful so far because of the Wolfpack, and now is a great time to get involved,” said Chancellor Randy Woodson. “NC State Day of Giving celebrates what we can do when we all come together for this university.”
Day of Giving offers multiple opportunities for donors to amplify their gifts through challenge matches. Generous supporters across NC State have pledged to match gifts or increase their own gifts based on participation within their preferred colleges or units.
One such donor is Rick Elmore, a second-generation Wilson College of Textiles alumnus from the class of 1992. Elmore, whose father was the first in his family to attend college thanks to a scholarship from the college, is a member of the Campaign Cabinet and vice president of the NC Textile Foundation Board. He looks forward to participating in Day of Giving.
“The opportunities my father’s college education afforded him has benefited my sister and I, as well as our children,” Elmore said. “We’ve all had the opportunity to further our education by attending college. That all started with [my father’s] scholarship to the Wilson College of Textiles. So why do I give? I want folks that don’t have the opportunity to attend college, to have the same opportunity, which can transcend generations.”
Support for Day of Giving like Elmore’s promises to make a lasting difference. The event will be filled with competitive spirit, as colleges and units battle for first place in two divisions, Red and White. A third leaderboard, University Priorities, will focus on friendly competition among key programs and initiatives.
Woodson has directed $200,000 in challenge funds, the bulk of which will be devoted to leaderboard challenges. Each college or unit competing in one of the three main leaderboards will win additional bonus funds based on their percentage of that division’s gift or dollar total. For example, if a college receives 18 percent of the total number of gifts to the White Division, they’ll get a bonus of $5,400 (18 percent of the $30,000 reserved for that challenge) to their area of greatest need.
Alumni, faculty, staff, parents and friends can also get involved on social media to advocate and help win challenge funds for their preferred area of support. Among the many social media opportunities are the Pack Pets Challenge, which invites participants to share photos of their pets in NC State gear, and the Red and White Song Challenge, which involves sharing videos of participants’ renditions of the fight song.
A full list of challenges is available on the Day of Giving website. Supporters also can update their social media profiles with Day of Giving images and banners.
“NC State Day of Giving is an opportunity for us to make philanthropy a truly collaborative experience,” Woodson said. “I’ve allocated $200,000 in challenge funds because I want our donors to see the collective, positive impact of giving back.”
Day of Giving kicks off at midnight Eastern Standard Time on March 27 and concludes at 11:59 p.m. To learn more — or to participate in the First Gift Challenge, which will award an extra $2,000 to the area of support designated by the day’s first donor when the clock strikes 12 — visit
This post was originally published in Giving News.